Sudan and conflicts zones.

Sudan and conflicts zones.

Monday 25 January 2010

Notizie del Sudan del'Italia e del Doha.

Televisione, a Shukran lo sgombero del Laboratorio ZetaDomani, a Shukran (Rai 3, 12.25), la copertina sarà dedicata allo sgombero del Laboratorio Zeta, il centro sociale dove vivevano, da quasi nove anni, 30 rifiugiati e richiedenti asilo sudanesi, in fuga dal Darfur.Saranno trasmesse le immagini degli scontri tra i poliziotti e i manifestanti.Nella stessa puntata si parlerà della Chiesa di San Nicola, a Canicattì, luogo di culto per i seimila rumeni ortodossi della provincia di Agrigento. Uno spazio di preghiera fortemente voluto dall’Arcivescovo di Agrigento, Francesco Montenegro, ospite del programma.

Fonte: Adnkronos.Sudan sets deadline with rebelsBY AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE

Update 24 minutes agoDOHA, Jan 25 - Negotiations between the Sudanese government and Darfur rebel groups must be completed within two months, ahead of Sudan's presidential and legislative elections, a senior official has said."Some groups are demanding more time. We have told mediators that time is running out and that negotiations must not exceed the third week of March," Sudan's Minister of Culture Amin Hassan Omar said in Doha late Sunday."Talks do not require a month or two as outstanding issues are simple. If parties have the political resolve it won't take more than two weeks as we have discussed everything and what remains is to take decisions," he said.Sudanese government officials and rebel groups present in Doha have not been yet involved in direct talks, Omar told reporters in the Qatari capital.Instead consultations are being held with mediators from the United Nations, African Union and the host nation, he added.Omar, a member of the official government delegation, said Sudan is prepared to talk with any of the four rebel groups that is ready for negotiations.Representatives from the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), the main rebel group, on Saturday held consultations with mediators to resolve "questions of procedure" before direct negotiations.Darfur rebels had two rounds of talks with Khartoum government officials in Qatar -- in February and May 2009.But other factions have refused to join the talks in Doha and the JEM later said there is no point in taking part if there is no unity among the rebels.Rebels and government officials were also due to meet in November, but the talks failed to materialise.The United Nations says up to 300,000 people have died and 2.7 million fled their homes since the ethnic minority rebels in Darfur first rose up against the Arab-dominated Sudan government in February 2003.Khartoum says 10,000 people have been killed.Sudan is due to hold a presidential and parliamentary election in April, the first polls in 24 years.
Iere sono stato con alcuni Sudanese per fare nascere un Associazione del Sudan ma questo fatto la furia e rabbia di quelli del Arci Darfur che io sono membero e socio fondatore alcuni Sudanese non sentano rapresentate allora qui Italia viviamo in una paese di democratico anchè si non compiuta ma comunque una demograzia che grantici a tutti i diriti di costitursi un associazione e norma della legge Italiana codici civile quindi anche si mio carissimo amico Geppino Materazzi mi ha detto che devo fare crecere Arci Darfur e non disperdere energia io dico che di energia ne ho abbastanza.Grazie Geppino sei un amico ma fratello sprituale anche...................azim

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