Sudan and conflicts zones.

Sudan and conflicts zones.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

It was BRITISH COLONY they know all about Sudan.

بريطانيا : الحكومة السودانية لن تستطع حسم صراع دارفور عسكريا

04-07-2014 03:57 PM

اعترفت بريطانيا أن الحكومة السودانية أو ميليشياتها لن تستطيع حسم الصراع في دارفور عسكريا، داعية إلى حوار سياسي مع حركات المعارضة المسلحة، لأن تسوية الصراع لن تتم سوى بالسبل السياسية.

وللمرة الأولى تخرج بريطانيا بتصريح واضح يكشف تداعيات الصراع في دارفور، مؤكدة أن تصعيد العنف يتسبب بنزوح وتشريد مئات الآلاف من المدنيين.

ودعا وزير الدولة البريطاني لشؤون افريقيا، مارك سيموندز، إلى إيقاف العنف فورا، وقال سيموندز "يقلقني جداً استمرار العنف في دارفور ،حيث ارتفع عدد الذين نزحوا عن بيوتهم منذ بداية مارس الماضي من 40 ألف إلى 200 ألف نازح، بسبب الهجمات المتواصلة والمتعمدة التي تشنها العناصر التابعة للحكومة السودانية وحركات المعارضة المسلحة في دارفورعلى المدنيين العزل وقراهم".

وأدان بشدة الهجمات على المدنيين، داعياً جميع الأطراف إلى "وضع أسلحتها والانخراط بحوار سلمي

Bashir Intervention special force!!!!!

مليشيات البشير ترتكب أعمال قتل وترهيب في وضح النهار

04-08-2014 06:43 AM

سكان المنطقة يؤكدون أن هذه المليشيات اسوأ من الجنجويد

الخرطوم - يتعرض سكان شمال دارفور غرب السودان إلى ترهيب وأعمال عنف مستمرة من طرف ميليشيات شبه عسكرية موالية لنظام البشير.

وكانت هذه المليشيات أو ما يعرف بـ“الدعم السريع” سيطرت منذ أكثر من شهر على الفاشر كبرى مدن شمال دارفور التي تشهد أسوأ أعمال عنف منذ عشر سنوات.

وقال مصطفى (52 سنة) أحد السكان رافضا كشف اسم عائلته، إن تلك المليشيات المنتشرة في كافة أنحاء المدينة ولا سيما في شرق العاصمة “خارجة عن السيطرة”.

ويتنقل عناصر المليشيا واضعين أشرطة الرصاص حول أعناقهم بسرعة كبيرة جدا في شوارع الفاشر راكبين سيارات مجهزة برشاشات ويصرخون ويعبثون بمكبرات الصوت وفق شهود عيان.

وروى مصطفى أن المليشيات في الفاشر تطلق “الرصاص بدون مبرر لا سيما ليلا وفي الصباح الباكر”.

ويحمل بعض هؤلاء المسلحين شارات المجموعات شبه العسكرية لكن السكان يؤكدون أنهم ينتمون إلى قوات الدعم السريع.

وقال محمد بن شمباس ممثل بعثة الأمم المتحدة والاتحاد الأفريقي في دارفور إن نحو 200 ألف مدني نزحوا من ديارهم هذه السنة ما يذكر بأولى ساعات النزاع قبل عشر سنوات.

واتهم بن شمباس، الأسبوع الماضي، قوات الدعم السريع بأنها “شنت هجمات” على قرى ومخيمات نازحين.

واحتشد الآلاف من السودانيين الفارين من الهجمات خصوصا في مخيم زمزم بضواحي الفاشر وسط الصحراء حيث يحاولون بما يستطيعون حماية أنفسهم من حر الشمس وسط خيام مصنوعة من قطع نسيج.

وأكد زعيم القبيلة رافضا الكشف عن هويته أن عناصر الميليشيا نهبوا قريتين عند مدخل الفاشر الجمعة. وكان بجانبه شخص أشار إلى أن ساقه كسرت برصاص طائش أطلقه هؤلاء المسلحون خلال عملية النهب.

وقال زعيم القبيلة “أعتقد أن هذه المليشيات أسوأ من الجنجاويد” وهي مدعومة من الحكومة وتضمّ عناصر من القبائل العربية والتي ارتكبت فظاعات بحق المدنيين بعد 2003.


Bashir said all they have to participate BUT THE SECURITY REFUSSES.

RNP barred by Sudan security from holding public seminar despite Bashir’s directives

April 7, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The Reform Now Party (RNP), which is chaired by a leading dissident from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) Ghazi Salah al-Deen al-Attabani, announced that the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) prevented the party from holding a seminar at the of Omdurman Ahlia University (OAU) despite obtaining prior permission.

A statement by the RNP released on Monday claimed that NISS agents intercepted a number of their leading members including Hassan Osman Rizk, Fadlallah Ahmed Abdullah along with their companions and prevented them from entering the university to address the seminar.

NISS agents also assaulted an RNP student wing figure by the name of Emad al-Deen Hashim and took him away to an unknown destination in one of their cars while continuing to brutally beat him up, the party added.

The RNP alluded to president Omer Hassan al-Bashir’s directives on Sunday at the onset of a political roundtable held in Khartoum with the participation of 83 political parties including the RNP and its leaders.

He instructed authorities in the states and localities across Sudan to enable political parties to carry out their activities inside and outside their headquarters without restrictions except those dictated by the law.

The RNP statement that the occurrence of this incident at this "distinguishing historical moment" frustrates the Sudanese nation which pinned great hopes that Sudan is entering a new phase.

"We should point out here, as we present this matter to say that the security forces are either working outside powers of Mr. President, or they carry a special agenda against dialogue .. if the president wants for this dialogue to reach its goals he has to take actions and decisions necessary to prevent the security services from confiscating of the freedom of the citizens from their political rights and their guaranteed rights according to the constitution".

"Our vision that what the president has issued as directives with respect to this aspect must be binding and urgently implemented so as to build confidence and sense the spirit of honesty in what comes out from the head of state".

At yesterday’s roundtable meeting, al-Attabani underscored the need to involve the parties opposed to the dialogue and demanded the departure of the security agencies from political life.

The RNP chief also called for constitutional amendments and conducting fair elections pointing out that they are running out of time.

He said that the round-table should be treated as an assembly that makes it a priority to re-contact parties opposed to dialogue and that the assembly considers all proposals submitted by the various political forces .



Sudan’s PCP hails Bashir’s directives, SPLM-N says they have "no value"

April 7, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) has offered a rare praise for president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir against the background of his directive on Sunday to release political detainees and allow for more political and press freedoms.

Secretary-general of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, Yasser Arman (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

Bashir announced a series of resolutions at the onset of a political roundtable held yesterday in Khartoum with the participation of 83 political parties.

He instructed authorities in the states and localities across Sudan to enable political parties to carry out their activities inside and outside their headquarters without restrictions except those dictated by the law.

The Sudanese president also pledged to enhance press freedom so that it can play its role in the success of the national dialogue unconditionally as long they abide by the norms of the profession.

Political detainees who have not been found to be involved in criminal acts will be released, Bashir added.

He also stressed the government’s commitment and willingness to allow rebels to participate in the national dialogue and vowed to give them adequate and appropriate safeguards to attend and depart safely afterwards.

But the Secretary General of the rebel Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement/North (SPLM-N) Yasir Arman, in a press release on Monday downplayed the presidential resolutions and described them as “wordplay”, saying they have no value as long as extraordinary laws continue to exist.

Arman proposed forming an independent body comprised of the representatives from the African Union and the United Nations in order to initiate a genuine dialogue.

The PCP political secretary, Kamal Omer, described Bashir’s decisions as “important and brave”, saying the president took a daring and strong stance.

He stressed, at a press conference on Monday that the move represents a major national event and pointed to the wide political participation, urging PCP’s allies in the opposition umbrella organization of the National Consensus Forces (NCF) to engage in the dialogue.

Omer underscored that there is no reason for rejecting the dialogue call at the present time, saying the political forces have the lead now and not the government.

He attributed the change in his party’s stance towards the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to the latter’s seriousness to engage in dialogue with the opposition, saying they were encouraged by the NCP new position and accepted its call for national dialogue.

However, the SPLM-N SG said that the majority of the political parties which took part at the political roundtable are puppets of the NCP with the exception of "very few", saying that the meeting would only reproduce the regime.

He emphasized that crucial procedural issues require agreement on the criteria of participation in the dialogue and how decisions will be made besides determining who has the right to take part in the decision making in order to avoid hegemony of the NCP on the political and constitutional process.

Arman said in a press release on Monday that any genuine dialogue requires agreement on the legal and political framework besides establishing an independent body to facilitate the dialogue.

He pointed to their stance that the independent body must be comprised of the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP), the head of the East African regional block IGAD, a representative of the UN secretary general, and a representative of the UN African Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

Arman further said they would not accept the dialogue coordination committee be chaired by Bashir, scoffing at veteran political leaders who took part at the roundtable and allowed the latter to be “judge and executioner”.

He called for annulling all laws restricting freedoms and reaching an agreement on a package of measures to create an atmosphere conducive for dialogue besides ending the war and addressing the humanitarian crisis and described Sudan’s previous political roundtable experience as a failure, saying it neither ended the north-south civil war nor achieved political stability.

Arman said the rebel groups do not need safeguards from Bashir but they seek practical moves to address issues of millions of IDPs and refugees besides establishing an independent mechanism to lead the dialogue and arrive at a roadmap which leads to transitional arrangements.

In a televised address to the nation in January, Bashir announced a four-point plan for reform “to stop the war and bring peace, free political society, fight against poverty and revitalize national identity”.

He called for political forces and even rebel groups, on the condition they lay down their arms, to engage in dialogue aimed at meeting key objectives.

NCP officials, including Bashir, have brushed aside opposition calls for the 2015 elections to be delayed and the formation of a transitional government that would work on drafting a new constitution to prepare the country for the polls.

The opposition National Umma Party (NUP) and the PCP are the only major opposition parties to accept Bashir’s call for national dialogue so far.

Although both parties warned that they would pull out of dialogue with the NCP if progress stalls.
